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Septic Tanks

Kon Kast supplies a full line of trickle type, pump and siphon tanks along with distribution boxes, effluent filters, and gas deflectors. Each system comes with complete installation instructions and our service and technical back up.

Our smaller septic tanks are designed as either single compartment or two compartment and in one piece or two-piece configurations. These tanks range in size from 3405 liter (750 gallon) to 6810 liter (1500 gallon) liquid capacity.

We also supply 13,620 liter (3000 gallon) septic tanks and can quote on 22,700 liter (5000 gallon) septic systems.



Contact Us

1313 Innovation Drive Kelowna, B.C. Canada, V1V 3B3 Phone : 250-765-1423 Fax : 250-765-0820
Committed to
Quality and Service